Observation Log: Portland, UK

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Logs by Placemark

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Chesil Beach Cove, 08/31/2013

Observer Name: Gary Keegan
Observation Start Time: 11.05
Observation End Time: 11.50
Weather Conditions: Calm
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): 10m (Average)
Water Visibility (high, medium, low): 8-10m
Water Turbidity (high, medium, low): Low
Water Current Direction: N/A
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): N/A
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): 18C
Notable Flora: Kelp and seaweed
Notable Fauna: Anemones, shoals of Pollock, 2 John Dory (one very closeup), lots of sandeels and small crabs. 
Other Observer Comments: Slightly choppy on first dive. Dive entry point straight out and in. (Followed by second dive to the South with similar observations).

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Chesil Beach Cove, 08/27/2013

Observer Name: Joan Johnson
Observation Start Time: 13.50
Observation End Time: 14.50
Weather Conditions: Sunny and calm
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): 8-12 m
Water Visibility (high, medium, low): 10m (High)
Water Turbidity (high, medium, low): Low

Water Current Direction: Nil
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): Nil
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): 17C
Notable Flora: Kelp and seaweed, red algae
Notable Fauna:Lots of grey mullet in shoals at the coastal strip (at least a dozen large), 5 John Dorry and shoals of small fry. 1 Pipefish.
Other Observer Comments:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chesil Beach Cove, 08/25/2013

Observer Name: Roger James Hoyle
Observation Start Time: 11:00
Observation End Time: 12:00
Weather Conditions: Overcast
Depth of Observations (indicate meters or feet): 16m
Water Visibility (high, medium, low): 6-8m
Water Turbidity (high, medium, low): Medium
Water Current Direction: North to South
Water Current Speed (high, medium, low): Medium
Water Temperature (indicate C or F): 18c
Notable Flora: Kelp, Sea Grass
Notable Fauna: Yellow Sponges, Brown Crab, Lobster, Velvet Swimming Crab,Wrasse
Other Observer Comments: Nice dive with lots of small fishes at 8m